Tuesday, August 23, 2016

How to Create LOGIN windows form Interface and C# coding for login without Database

How to Create LOGIN windows form Interface and C# coding for login without Database

Open any version of Visual Studio  you have installed in your machine; I have Visual Studio  10. When open it will look like this: 

open visual studio

Step 2
Click on the middle tab of new project. When you click it will look like this:

create new project in visual studio

Step 3
In Installed Templates the first option is Visual C# language and then select Windows Forms application.

In the following see the Name label and already show the default name WindowFormsApplication7.

You can change the name as you wish or as per program creation you can mention and click and OK.

Step 4
After clicking OK a simple Windows Forms form will look like:

window form application

Step 5
In your Windows Forms form set the size as needed. You can set the size and if you want to set the size by properties then right-click on the Windows Forms form and in the last option of show properties click to see the Windows Forms form properties.

window form preporty

Set the Windows Forms form name and show text in the specified properties. If you wish you can set the form1 name; my form1 name is “Log in Form”.

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